What is PDRA-G02? All You Need to Know.

PDRA-G02 is a Pre-Defined Risk Assessment (PDRA) for specific drone operations under EASA rules and regulations. When drone operations do not fit within the Open Category and fall out of Standard Scenarios but meet certaincharacteristics and conditions, a PDRA route might be an appropriate way to obtain Operational Authorisation. 

PDRA-G02 is a generic PDRA that can be used in all the range of UAS ConOps. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key aspects of PDRA-G02, which are essential for drone pilots and operators to understand if this scenario suits their drone operations.

Operational Characteristics

Level of Human Intervention

PDRA-G02 requires a high level of human control:

  • No autonomous operations are allowed
  • Remote pilots must maintain control of the UA at all times.
  • Only one UA can be operated per pilot.
  • Operations from moving vehicles are prohibited.
  • Control handover to another command unit is not permitted.

UA Range Limitations

  • Launch and recovery must be within visual line of sight (VLOS), if not operating from a safe prepared area.
  • In-flight operations must stay within the direct C2 link coverage.

Overflown Areas and UA Limitations

  • Operations should be conducted entirely over sparsely populated areas.
  • Maximum UA dimension: 3 meters
  • Maximum kinetic energy: 34 kJ

Flight Parameters

Height and Airspace Restrictions

  • Maximum height limited by reserved or segregated airspace
  • Operations are only allowed in reserved or segregated airspace (Meeting the requirement of Residual ARC-a)

Visibility and Other Considerations

  • Sufficient visibility is required for safe take-off and landing.
  • UA should not be used to drop materials or carry dangerous goods, with some exceptions for agricultural, horticultural, or forestry activities.

Operational Risk Classification Limits

  • Final Ground Risk Class (GRC): 3
  • Residual Air Risk Class (ARC): ARC-a
  • Specific Assurance and Integrity Level (SAIL): II

Operational Mitigations

Operational Volume and Ground Risk

  • Establish an operational volume considering 4D space.
  • Implement a ground risk buffer using at least the "1:1 rule".
  • Contain operations in sparsely populated areas.

Air Risk

  • Operational volume must be entirely within reserved or segregated airspace.

UAS Operator and Operations Conditions

UAS operators must:

  • Develop a comprehensive operations manual.
  • Implement security and data protection measures.
  • Create guidelines to minimize nuisance.
  • Develop and validate an Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
  • Ensure adequacy of contingency and emergency procedures and associated training.

Personnel Requirements

Remote Pilot Responsibilities

  • Authority to cancel or delay flights for safety reasons
  • Familiarity with UAS manufacturer instructions
  • Ensuring UAS is in safe condition before flight

Training and Fitness

  • Competency-based theoretical and practical training for all personnel.
  • Maintenance of training records.
  • Fitness declarations before operations.

Technical Conditions

UAS Equipment

  • Monitoring capabilities for critical flight parameters
  • Straightforward and non-distracting human-machine interface (HMI)
  • Compliance with radio equipment and RF spectrum requirements

Enhanced Containment

  • Special design considerations for operations near assemblies of people or ARC-d airspace
  • Probability of leaving operational volume less than 10^-4/FH

Remote Identification and Lighting

  • Unique serial number compliant with ANSI/CTA-2063-A-2019
  • Remote identification system
  • Green flashing light for night operations

Drone Remote Pilot Licence for PDRA-G02

The UAS Operator may assign the remote pilot a training requirement - to complete and hold valid EASA Remote Pilot Certificate of Theoretical Knowledge for STSs. Click here to learn about this remote pilot training course.

Contact Us Today

Understanding and implementing PDRA-G02 requirements is crucial for safe and compliant drone operations. As a highly experienced consultancy and training provider for drone pilots and operators, we offer comprehensive courses and expert guidance to help you navigate these complex regulations. Don't let complex regulations ground your operations – contact us today to elevate your drone piloting skills and ensure full compliance with PDRA-G02 and other essential regulations. Press here to fill in the form.

Further Reading:

Want to learn about the Courses and Services Avtrain can provide?

Read the success story of a customer using PDRA-G02 Operational Authorisation.

March 6, 2025

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