What is STS-02? Standard Scenario STS-02 Explained.

STS-02 is a Standard Scenario that enables drone operations beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) with the use of airspace observers. This standardised framework allows UAS operators to conduct operations without requiring a complex SORA or operational authorisation and expedites regulatory approval using a declaratory process. STS-02 stands for drone operations conducted in BVLOS over a controlled ground area in sparsely populated environments.

General Characteristics for the STS-02:

  • UA Bearing a C6 class marking (maximum characteristic dimension of up to 3 m and MTOM of up to 25 kg).
  • Operations in BVLOS are allowed with Airspace Observers (AO).
  • The maximum range from the remote pilot is 2 km with an AO of 1 km if there is no AO.
  • Operations are over a controlled ground area entirely located in a sparsely populated area.
  • Maximum height 120m AGL
  • Operations in controlled or uncontrolled airspace, with a low risk of encountering manned aircraft.

Operational Characteristics

Level of Human Intervention

  • No autonomous operations allowed.
  • Remote pilots must maintain control of the UA at all times.
  • Only one UA can be operated per remote pilot.
  • Operations from moving vehicles are prohibited.
  • Control handover to another command unit is not permitted.
  • The UA must follow a pre-programmed trajectory when not in VLOS of the remote pilot.

Operational Area Requirements

  • Operations must be conducted over a controlled ground area.
  • The area must be entirely located in a sparsely populated environment.
  • The controlled ground area must include flight geography, contingency volume, and ground risk buffer.
  • Contingency volume must extend at least 10m beyond the limits of the flight geography.
  • Ground risk buffer must cover a distance equal to that most likely travelled after flight termination activation.

UA Range Limitations

  • Launch and recovery: within the visual line of sight of the remote pilot.
  • Without airspace observers, keep a maximum distance of 1 km from the pilot in command.
  • With airspace observers keep a maximum distance of 2 km from the pilot in command.
  • When using airspace observers: UA must not be operated further than 1 km from the nearest airspace observer.

Height and Airspace Restrictions

  • Maximum height is limited to 120 meters from the closest point of Earth's surface (AGL).
  • When flying within 50 meters horizontal distance of an artificial obstacle taller than 105 meters, height may be increased up to 15 meters above the obstacle.
  • The maximum height of the operational volume shall not exceed 30 meters above the maximum height allowed.

Flight Parameters

Visibility and Other Requirements

  • Minimum flight visibility must be more than 5 km.
  • Flight visibility is essential for remote pilots and airspace observers to detect manned aircraft.
  • UA must not carry dangerous goods during flight.

Communication Requirements

  • Robust and effective communication means between remote pilot and airspace observer(s) must be available.
  • Maximum distance between any airspace observer and the remote pilot: 1 km.
  • Communication must allow timely alerts about hazards and collision risks.

UAS Operator Responsibilities

Documentation and Planning

  • Develop a comprehensive operations manual
  • Define the operational volume and ground risk buffer.
  • Ensure the adequacy of contingency and emergency procedures through dedicated flight tests or simulations.
  • Develop an effective Emergency Response Plan (ERP).
  • Upload updated information into the geo-awareness function (if installed).

Ground Operations

  • Take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of intrusion of uninvolved persons in the controlled ground area.
  • Coordinate with appropriate authorities when required.
  • Inform all persons present in the controlled ground area about operation risks.
  • Brief and train participants on safety precautions and measures.
  • Obtain explicit consent from all participants.

Airspace Observer Management

  • Ensure correct placement and number of airspace observers along the intended flight path.
  • Verify visibility and planned distance are within acceptable limits.
  • Check for the absence of terrain obstructions for each airspace observer.
  • Ensure no gaps between zones are covered by each airspace observer.
  • Establish effective communication with each airspace observer.
  • Brief airspace observers on the intended path and timing

Record Keeping

  • Keep and maintain records of qualifications and training for at least 3 years.
  • Document maintenance activities for at least 3 years.
  • Maintain records of UAS operations for at least 3 years, including any unusual UAS behaviour.

Remote Pilot Requirements

Qualifications and Documentation

  • Hold a "Remote Pilot Certificate of Theoretical Knowledge for STSs".
  • Achieve an accreditation of STS-02 practical skill training.

Pre-Flight Responsibilities

  • Set the programmable flight volume to keep the UA within the flight geography.
  • Verify that means to terminate flight and programmable operational volume functionality are operational.
  • Check that direct remote identification is active and up-to-date.

Technical Conditions

UAS Requirements

  • UA must be marked as class C6 and comply with those requirements
  • Must include an active system to prevent the UA from breaching flight geography
  • Must operate with active and updated direct remote identification system
  • Must be accompanied by an EU declaration of conformity with reference to class C6.

Call to Action

Understanding and implementing STS-02 requirements can be challenging for drone operators. Our company provides comprehensive training for remote pilots and airspace observers, consultancy services for operational planning, and assistance with preparing operations manuals compliant with STS-02. Contact us today to learn how we can help you safely and legally conduct BVLOS operations using the STS-02 standard scenario framework.

Further Reading:

Want to learn about the Courses and Services Avtrain can provide?

Your drone does not carry C6 CIL? Learn more about PDRA-S02 here.

March 11, 2025

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