PDRA-S02 is a Pre-Defined Risk Assessment that allows drone operations at extended distances, up to 2 kilometres from the remote pilot. This standardised operational scenario falls within the 'specific' category and provides a framework for operations that may use airspace observers (AOs).
General Characteristics of this PDRA-S02:
- With UA with maximum characteristic dimensions (e.g. wingspan, rotor diameter/area or maximum distance between rotors in case of a multirotor) of up to 3 m and MTOM of up to 25 kg;
- At a distance of up to 2 km from the remote pilot if airspace observers (AOs) are employed; otherwise, at a distance of up to 1 km;
- Over a controlled ground area that is entirely located in a sparsely populated area;
- Below 150 m above ground level (AGL) (except when close to obstacles).
- In controlled or uncontrolled airspace, provided there is a low probability of encountering manned aircraft.
Operational Characteristics
Level of Human Intervention
- No autonomous operations: the remote pilot must always maintain control of the UA.
- Only one UA can be operated per remote pilot.
- Operations from moving vehicles are not allowed.
- Control handover to another command unit is not permitted.
UA Range Limitations
- The remote pilot must keep the UAS in VLOS during launch and recovery.
- Maximum distance of 1 km from the remote pilot. If airspace observers are part of the operations, the maximum distance can be extended to 2 km from the remote pilot.
Overflown Areas
- Operations should be conducted over controlled ground areas entirely in sparsely populated areas.
UA Limitations
- Maximum Take-Off Mass (MTOM) of less than 25 kg
- Maximum characteristic dimension (wingspan, rotor diameter, etc.) less than 3 meters.
- Maximum ground speed in level flight not more than 50 m/s
Height and Airspace Restrictions
- Maximum height is limited to 150 meters from the closest point of Earth's surface. Operations between 120-150 meters require an additional air risk buffer.
- When flying within 50 meters horizontal distance of an artificial obstacle taller than 105 meters, height may be increased up to 15 meters above the obstacle.
Operational Volume Planning
- UAS operators must define the operational volume considering the position-keeping capabilities in 4D space.
- Must account for navigation solution accuracy, flight technical errors, and flight path definition errors.
- Emergency procedures must be activated as soon as there is an indication that the UA may exceed operational volume limits.
Ground Risk Buffer
- Must establish a ground risk buffer to protect third parties outside the operational volume
- Buffer distance should be at least equal to the distance most likely travelled by the UA after flight termination activation.
UAS Operator Responsibilities
Documentation and Procedures
- Develop a comprehensive operations manual.
- Define operational volume and ground risk buffer.
- Implement security requirements and data protection measures.
- Develop guidelines to minimise nuisance and emissions-related disturbance.
- Validate contingency and emergency procedures through testing or simulation.
- Develop an Emergency Response Plan (ERP).
- Upload updated information into a geo-awareness function (if installed).
Maintenance Requirements
- Ensure maintenance staff follow the UAS maintenance instructions.
- Keep maintenance records for a minimum of 3 years.
- Maintain an up-to-date list of authorised maintenance staff.
Remote Pilot Qualifications and Training
- Hold a "Remote Pilot Certificate of Theoretical Knowledge for STSs" or equivalent.
- Complete practical skills training and assessment.
- For operations between 120-150m, undergo additional theoretical knowledge training.
Airspace Observer Requirements
- AOs must be positioned to adequately cover the operational volume and surrounding airspace.
- Maximum distance between AO and the UA: 1 km.
- Maximum distance between any AO and remote pilot: 1 km.
- Robust and effective means of communication between remote pilot and AO(s) is required.
Technical Conditions
UAS Requirements
- UAS should be marked with a class C6 identification label.
- Alternative compliance options are available without a C6 label under specific conditions.
- For privately built UAS, the operator must ensure that MTOM does not exceed 25 kg.
Call to Action
Navigating the complexities of PDRA-S02 operations requires expert knowledge and proper training. Our company specialises in drone pilot training, operations manual development, and consultancy services tailored explicitly to extended distance operations under the PDRA-S02 scenario. Contact us today to learn how we can help you safely and legally operate your drone at distances up to 2 kilometres, complete with adequately trained airspace observers and all required documentation. Let us help you expand your operational capabilities while maintaining full regulatory compliance.
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